To resolve this issue, you can modify the directive to include a unique identifier for each instance of the directive. One approach is to use the NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR provider and provide a unique useExisting value for each instance. Here's an updated version of the UppercaseDirective that addresses this problem:
import { Directive, HostListener, forwardRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms';
let nextId = 0;
selector: '[appUppercase]',
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => UppercaseDirective),
multi: true
export class UppercaseDirective implements ControlValueAccessor {
private onChange: (value: any) => void;
private onTouched: () => void;
private id = `appUppercase_${nextId++}`;
@HostListener('input', ['$'])
onInput(value: string) {
const transformedValue = value.toUpperCase();
this.onChange(transformedValue); // Update the FormControl value
writeValue(value: any): void {}
registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
this.onChange = fn;
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
this.onTouched = fn;
get controlId(): string {
In this updated version, a unique identifier (id) is generated for each instance of the UppercaseDirective using a counter (nextId). This ensures that each instance has a unique identifier. The id is then exposed through the controlId getter.
Now, when you apply the appUppercase directive to multiple inputs, each instance will have a unique identifier, preventing the "More than one custom value accessor" error. You can use this identifier in your template or component if needed.